MSR: Generating a Waveform

This process enables you to generate multi-standard radio (MSR) waveforms using exported Signal Studio component waveforms.

Below is a list of the Signal Studio waveforms that can be imported into the MSR feature for LTE/LTE-Advanced FDD signals.

  1. Supports high-resolution waveform export, providing better signal quality in the resulting MSR waveform.

  2. Supports high-resolution waveform import and export, providing better signal quality in the resulting MSR waveform.

You cannot recursively import waveforms. That is, an MSR waveform cannot be used as a component waveform in a new MSR waveform. In this case, an error message appears in the status area.



Library waveforms that are used for the multi-standard radio (MSR) capability must have proper Signal Studio licensing. The MSR waveform comprises all the license requirements for each of the component waveform-types used.

The maximum number of component waveforms that can be imported into an MSR composite waveform are limited by the number of unique licenses required to generate the MSR waveform. For example:

LTE FDD waveform + V2X waveform + 5GNR waveform = 3 waveform licenses

Typically, up to approximately 11 waveforms can be used in a MSR waveform. If the number of waveforms exceeds the MSR feature's limits, an Closederror message will be displayed.


To use the MSR feature, you must have the correct waveform options and the correct instrument connectivity.

For additional hardware requirements, refer to the "Hardware and System Requirements for Multi-Standard Radio (MSR)" in the System Requirements.


Each waveform sample point requires about 25 bytes of hard drive space, so a 1 GSa waveform requires 25 GB of available drive space.

MSR Waveform Generation Procedure

  1. Using the N7600C, N7601C, N7602C, N7612C, N7617C, N7624C, N7625C, N7626C, or N7631C software, export each of the required component waveforms using the exported waveform settings below. Refer to your component waveform's help for more information.

    Waveform Type

    Waveform Length

    (Recommended) a, c

    (N = integer)

    Oversampling Rate (OSR) –

    (Recommended) b, d

    Frequency Offset e

    Notes h

    N7600C W-CDMA/ HSPA+

    10 msec * N repetitions (Basic)

    Number of msec or Number of frames * N repetitions (Advanced)

    8x or AUTO (Basic)

    AUTO (Advanced Single Carrier)

    0.000000 Hz

    Avoid exporting the PRACH and CELL_FACH carriers.

    Avoid exporting multicarrier waveforms. Instead, export the Advanced carriers individually and then import the single carriers using the N7624C, to create a multicarrier waveform.

    N7601C cdma2000/ 1xEV-DO

    26.6666 msec * N repetitions (Basic C2K and 1xEV-DO)

    25x or AUTO (Basic)

    0.000000 Hz

    Advanced 1xEV-DO is not recommended (240 msec x N repetitions).

    Avoid using 26.6666 msec * 4 repetitions.

    Avoid exporting multicarrier waveforms. Instead, export the Advanced carriers individually and then import the single carriers using the N7624C, to create a multicarrier waveform.

    N7602C GSM/EDGE/ Evo

    60 msec * N repetitions (Basic and Advanced)

    128x or AUTO (Basic)

    AUTO (Advanced Single Carrier)

    0.000000 Hz

    Default or integer multiple of 13 frames (60 msec) is required to import basic carrier waveform file.

    Avoid exporting the Control channel carrier.

    Avoid exporting older default GSM/EDGE 4 frame waveforms (≤ v2.x).

    Avoid exporting multicarrier waveforms. Instead, export the Advanced carriers individually and then import the single carriers using the N7624C, to create a multicarrier waveform.




    5 msec * N repetitions

    24 is recommended (1.28 * 24 = 30.72)

    0.000000 Hz

    Default or integer multiple of 5 ms is required to import basic carrier waveform file.



    10 msec * N repetitions

    Set the Oversampling Ratio (located under Waveform Setup) to adjust the ARB Sample Clock value so it is close to an integer multiple of 30.72 Msps (LTE/LTE-Advanced FDD software's base sample rate). This improves waveform quality.

    0.000000 Hz

    Waveform signal length needs to be integer multiple of 10 msec by adjusting parameters “Idle Interval” and “# of frames" when generating from N7617B.

    (RF burst + idle interval) x (# of frame) = waveform signal length.

    Note: “waveform signal length” needs to be integer multiple of 10 msec (in actual time length).

    “RF burst” length changes by various WLAN parameters including bandwidth.

    Waveform signal length (in “actual time length”) = (total sample points) / (ARB sample clock)

    Note: ARB sample clock is affected by bandwidth.


    LTE/LTE-Advanced FDD

    For N7624C waveforms: non-MSR (external) waveform files can be imported.

    Set the Oversampling Ratio (located under Waveform Setup > Carrier n) to adjust the Waveform Sampling Ratio so it is an integer multiple of 30.72 Msps (LTE/LTE-Advanced FDD software's base sample rate). This is required for the waveform data to be imported into MSR and improves waveform quality. The Waveform Sampling Ratio updates after each waveform generation to show the actual value, so you can use that to fine tune.

    0.000000 Hz

    To prevent recursive imports, no external MSR files of any type, can be imported.


    LTE/LTE-Advanced TDD

    For N7625C waveforms: non-MSR (external) waveform files can be imported.

    Set the Oversampling Ratio (located under Waveform Setup > Carrier n) to adjust the Waveform Sampling Ratio so it is an integer multiple of 30.72 Msps (LTE/LTE-Advanced FDD software's base sample rate). This is required for the waveform data to be imported into MSR and improves waveform quality. The Waveform Sampling Ratio updates after each waveform generation to show the actual value, so you can use that to fine tune.

    0.000000 Hz

    To prevent recursive imports, no external MSR files of any type, can be imported.

    N7626C V2X

    For N7626C waveforms: non-MSR (external) waveform files can be imported.

    Set the Oversampling Ratio (located under Waveform Setup > Carrier n) to adjust the Waveform Sampling Ratio so it is an integer multiple of 30.72 Msps (LTE/LTE-Advanced FDD software's base sample rate). This is required for the waveform data to be imported into MSR and improves waveform quality. The Waveform Sampling Ratio updates after each waveform generation to show the actual value, so you can use that to fine tune.

    0.000000 Hz

    To prevent recursive imports, no external MSR files of any type, can be imported.

    N7631C 5G NR

    No recommended setting.

    No recommended setting.

    0.000000 Hz

    1. ARB Sample Clock ≥ 100 MHz can be used, but performance may be degraded. The ARB Sample Clock parameter is displayed under the Instrument node. It is automatically calculated by the software based on the signal generator's ARB Sample Clock settings. The ARB Sample Clock should be < 100 MHz. If a Frequency Offset is applied to a waveform, the settings should be compatible with the ARB Sample Clock settings on the signal generator.

    2. Higher OSR values will degrade performance once the waveforms are imported into the N7624C's MSR waveform. For Advanced N7600C or N7601C carriers, OSR's = 1 are not recommended while Signal Studio is in Simulation Mode (e.g. use AUTO).

    3. The waveform length is dependent on the resampling ratio:

      • The source waveform clock > baseband sampling clock; source waveform will be decimated. This is typically not desirable, but will decrease waveform size.

      • The source waveform clock < baseband sampling clock; source waveform will be oversampled. This is typically acceptable, but will increase waveform size.

      • Waveform quality will always degrade on resampling.

    4. The MSR waveform requirements (source wavelength * baseband sampling clock) should be ≥ 1024 sample points and ≤ 1024e6 sample points.

    5. For all of the component waveforms, set the Frequency Offset to 0. Frequency Offset can be set in the N7624C software, after importing all of the waveforms.

    6. For the N7600C, N7601C, N7602C, N7612C, N7624C and N7625C software, to better understand the Closedcarrier power level calculations for an exported waveform, refer to Output Power Calculation (Downlink) and Output Power Calculation (Uplink).

    7. Size of exported file must be ≤ 1024 Msa. If the waveforms exceed the maximum allowable, the ClosedSystem Message window is displayed.

    8. There are three different descriptions for the various waveform setups:

      • The recommended waveform settings yield the best overall performance with the MSR feature (i.e. faster waveform loading times, minimal intermodulation products, and minimal EVM).

      • The waveform settings that are not recommended will work, but with reduced waveform performance (i.e. increased waveform loading times, increased intermodulation products, and degraded EVM).

      • The waveform settings that are to be avoided may not work as desired or have some other unpredictable behavior.

    9. The maximum number of component waveforms that can be imported into an MSR composite waveform are limited by the number of unique licenses required to generate the MSR waveform. For example:

      LTE FDD waveform + V2X waveform + 5GNR waveform = 3 waveform licenses

      Typically, up to approximately 11 waveforms can be used in a MSR waveform. If the number of waveforms exceeds the MSR feature's limits, an Closederror message will be displayed.

  2. Import the individual component waveforms into your MSR composite waveform using the imported waveform settings below.

    In the Carrier n node, click Source Waveform File Name > <enter a Closedpath of the file to be imported>.

    MSR Waveform Setting Levels

    Baseband Sampling Rate a, b

    Frequency Offset a

    Power (Offset)



    AUTO, 61.44 MHz

    as required

    as required

    Where the Frequency Offset = 0, a Baseband Sampling Rate of 30.72 MHz can be used to decrease waveform build time.


    184.32 MHz

    as required

    as required

    Possible degradation in waveform generation time and in waveform performance quality.

    1. After importing the waveforms into the MSR waveform, the default Baseband Sampling Rate is set to 61.44 MHz. This value is required for non-zero Frequency Offsets and optional for 0 Hz Frequency Offsets. If the Frequency Offset is set to 0 Hz in the N7624C, the Baseband Sampling Rate can be set to 30.72 MHz and the waveform build-time will be faster. The Baseband Sampling Rate of 184.32 MHz can be used, but the waveform's performance may be degraded. The Baseband Sampling Rate = (chip rate * oversampling ratio). For best results, the Baseband Sampling Rate should be < 100 MHz.

    2. To avoid degradation of the signal, in the N7624C software, do not use the default oversampling rate of 1 with MSR waveforms. For best results, use AUTO for the OSR value.

    3. The MSR waveform requirements (source wavelength * baseband sampling clock) should be ≥ 1024 sample points and ≤ 1024e6 sample points.

  3. After all of the component waveform files have been imported, generate and download the waveform by choosing the correct file path for the MSR waveform file. The new multicarrier waveform comprises all the license requirements for each of the component waveform types used. Here is an Closedexample of an MSR waveform with five component carriers.

    In the MSR composite waveform, the waveforms that have narrower bands — like CW and EDGE waveforms — are Closeddisplayed with higher power levels. This is because the waveforms' power is defined by its integrated power and not by its power spectral density (PSD).

    To minimize spurious images, optimize the channel waveform filtering and frequency offsets for the imported component waveforms. Refer to MSR: Applying a Waveform Channel Filter.

After generating the MSR carriers, to enable faster measurements particularly where ongoing changes are required for the Baseband Sampling Rate and Filter Ratio, refer to the MSR: Using the Waveform Library Manager and Library Waveform Carrier topics.

MSR: Applying a Waveform Channel Filter

Imported Waveform Carrier

MSR: Using the Library Waveform Manager

Overcoming Test Challenges of MSR Base Station Components and Transmitters